11 Tips If You Struggle With Self-Love

Sara Knick
3 min readJun 4, 2021
Photo by Peter Sjo on Unsplash.

How can you be happy if you don’t love yourself? Having a high degree of self-love makes it easier to take good care of yourself. If you love and respect yourself, others are more likely to respect you, too. When you love yourself, you’re more gentle, kind and considerate with yourself.

Life can be hard. It’s even harder when you’re hard on yourself. Ideally, you are your biggest fan in life.

Use these ideas to show yourself more love:

1. Make sleep a priority. Everybody needs sleep. When we don’t think very highly of ourselves, we often don’t get enough sleep. It’s easy for all the things and people in our lives to get our time and attention. This leaves too little time for sufficient sleep.

2. Feed your body better food. If you don’t love yourself, you might not be eating as well as you should be. Show yourself that you’re a priority by giving yourself healthy food to eat.

3. Feed your mind better things, too. It’s not just your body. It’s your mind, too. Consider the thoughts, TV and websites that you’re giving your mind to chew on. What kind of material are you consuming and how does it make you feel?

4. Exercise. Taking care of your body with exercise is a sign of self-love. You don’t have to train for a triathlon, but get some exercise each day.

