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8 Things That Happy Couples Do
Would you like to have a stronger, happier relationship? Happiness in a relationship is the result of several small things done on a daily basis. These small tasks are within your capabilities. A little time and attention can grow your relationship into a great source of happiness for both of you.
Strengthen your relationship each day by following these strategies of happy couples:
1. Confront each other effectively. No relationship is free from disagreements. The most important issue is how those disagreements are handled. Handle your disagreements quickly and fairly. Address behaviors and forget about personal insults. Seek to find a resolution rather than proving who is right or wrong.
2. Have compatible goals. Is your dream to travel the world, never staying in one place for more than a few months? Is your partner’s dream to have five kids and live in her hometown, having dinner with her parents every night? One of you is going to be miserable.
Your goals don’t have to match precisely, but they must be compatible. Otherwise, one of you will have to sacrifice too much to make the other happy.
3. Forgive easily. Holding a grudge breeds contempt and upsets the other person. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has a bad day once in a while. Forgive quickly and easily.