Affirmations: My Secret Weapon To Inspire Love

Sara Knick
3 min readJul 5, 2020


In my twenties, I was open to lots of transformation and change. I searched for knowledge heavily and tried different methods and strategies to improve my life.

I wanted to improve my life in different areas including love. I felt that love was still elusive. I still couldn’t grasp it or define it properly. I felt frustrated and depressed about how far away it seemed to be.

There were so many ideas out there on what defined a relationship, how relationships worked and how to get a guy. Love, dating and relationships were tough subjects to master for me.

I knew that there were things that I didn’t know and I also knew that I had struggled for awhile. I needed to get in the right energy to receive the right things for myself.

I used affirmations for myself throughout difficult times in my life. When I was struggling with self esteem, weight and my own emotions, I used affirmations. Yesterday, I looked at my daily affirmations calendar and saved some of the affirmations that spoke to me in a powerful way that I wanted to share with you:

“I remember that the point of power is in the present moment.”

“Bliss and happiness are at the center of my world.”

“I am at one with all of Life. The whole world is my family.”

“My love and acceptance of others creates lasting friendships.”

“All that I desire, I receive. I am fulfilled in all areas of my life.”

“Today I celebrate all that I am and all that I will become.”

“I bring a ray of sunshine wherever I go. I am a joy and a delight to be with.”

“I rejoice in my independence. I love doing what I want to do and trying out new ideas.”

“The power of the Universe backs me in all my endeavors, and I have boundless energy to get things done easily and quickly.”

“Today I see beauty everywhere and experience life as a joyous dance.”

“The more I love myself, the less stress I have, so I often remind myself of how special and wonderful I am.”

“I give myself permission to prosper, and I am joyfully providing for my retirement.”

“It is time to let go of my old beliefs about how relationships are supposed to be.”

“I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be.”

The issue that I’ve had with affirmations is that sometimes it feels like I am lying to myself. I have tried processing the energy of the thought in two different ways, either saying it aloud repeatedly or writing it down repeatedly. Intaking the energy of the thought can be difficult if in our heart, it is not true and we do not see it. There is a sort of resistance created when we know that we are not seeing it or experiencing it. I have gotten angry and sad over working with affirmations before because it felt like I was just lying to myself and there would be no change.

I allowed myself to shift my perspective. This took several weeks and months to work on. I still work on it to this day. I remember that life is a process and when I strengthen different areas of my life, that is a process.

Learning love was a process at one point in my life. It was very difficult because of the environment that I was raised in and the negative signals that I was getting making me think that I was undeserving of love. It was embedded as a belief that I was undeserving of love. I operated with this belief everyday so taking this out of my mind and life felt like I was missing a part of my body. Love is first a process of feeling whole within ourselves.

