Be The Perfect Partner.
I have developed myself along the way in life through learning, reading and understanding how to change and transform myself. I continued to leave the door open to transformation. The only way to transform yourself is to understand that there is more to learn from those who have achieved what you have not.
I wanted to stop letting my past and my weaknesses get in the way of my future, but it was still a part of me. I felt defeated at times. I felt overwhelmed with the task of change when I did not know how to change.
I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I felt other people had advantages that I did not. I didn’t have a great stable family life. I was bullied repeatedly. I was ignored. I thought that I wasn’t good enough and that there were multiple disadvantages setting me back.
I realized that my understanding of spirituality, emotions and people was at a deeper level. This was an advantage. I had passions in life that meant something to me. This was also an advantage. I started shifting my perspective and seeing the advantages that I did have.
I expressed who I was, what was important to me and my likes to other potential partners through my dating profiles. I also talked about it on the phone and in person.
I wanted to dive deep into meaningful conversations immediately. This was a sort of test to see if they could handle me. I expressed my interest in astrology, meditation, spirituality, music and photography. A lot of guys were not into it and wanted to play it safe and stay in a superficial area of topics. I was very unpredictable and curious. I was very different in my style as well… I didn’t like being hooked to one particular identity. I enjoyed dressing very colorful/80s then liked more of a rocker/heavy makeup style some days. Some other days I felt more hippie-like. I drove off a lot of guys. I think some were scared of me and others just did not understand me at all.
I won in the end. I attracted someone who liked me and not a modified version of me. The guys that did not like me were not meant for me.
I learned that being the perfect partner starts with the energy that you cultivate to either attract or repel someone immediately. When you stand in knowing the person you are, there is no confusion. Someone coming your way will either want to stand with you or get out of your way. Defining who you are allows making the decision clearer to your potential partner to decide whether he or she is attracted to you or not.