Do You Want To Understand What Love Is?
In yesterday’s blog post called “How To Manifest The Ultimate Love For You…” I talked at the end of it about how it’s not just enough for me to know how to manifest love in my own life. I want to help other women do the same.
I am very curious by nature. I like getting answers to questions, but there are some questions that are harder to get answers to. “What Is Love?” is one of those hard questions. At one point in my life, I had no idea about how to understand love. Was it an action? Was it a feeling? How do I acquire “love”?
I desired to acquire a relationship with a guy that I knew was stable. I wanted to know that he would be there for me. I felt all sorts of uncertainty when I was dating guys that seemed to act unpredictably. There was one time with a guy that I was dating when I put effort in and got him a gift and he seemed to not reciprocate back the way I would have liked. I struggled with knowing why a guy wouldn’t just want to return a favor like that or try harder to make me feel special, too. I wanted to feel valued.
I knew that there was something missing and I didn’t yet have the secret to unlocking the mysteries of guys.
I realized that love in relationships is a two way street. I cannot force a guy to give back to me in the same way or feel an emotion that he doesn’t feel.
When I was dating, I paid attention to guys that made me feel special. I also made sure that I didn’t have to forcibly put effort into having them notice me. I wanted to make sure that I was myself and that I wasn’t overexerting myself. If I did that then I would be exhausting myself and I would have to keep up that same overexerted energy in the relationship.
I struggled with men that didn’t seem to understand my values, my wants and my needs. Why was it so difficult to find a guy that could just be honest with me and make me feel good? It was hard to find a man that wanted a long term relationship. I dealt with guys who lied to me and played mind games with me on a constant basis.
I was able to master love finally. Love is feeling and action put together. I was able to know love. I found my long term relationship that I am still in to this day.
I went from a confused, inexperienced dater to having a loving connection with my soulmate. I learned what I didn’t want to get what I did want.