How Can You Tell If Your Partner Is A Narcissist?
In my time dealing with narcissists in dating, it was hard to recognize them at first because I wanted to feel and be important. In spending more time with them, I began to recognize the flaws in their behavior and the lack of emotional stability that they had. They are on the taking end of relationships rather than the giving end. With little balance to create a successful, meaningful relationship, it doesn’t last.
Men and women want to feel special and admired, but their everyday lives can become monotonous and boring. They can also experience a range of negative emotions that they want to escape.
Negative environments and negative people that they are around can push them to go for someone who seems like he or she has everything. Narcissists tend to make those around them feel special and it can be the perfect recipe for disaster in your life.
The Mayo Clinic website characterizes the “narcissistic personality disorder” as one of several types of personality disorders and is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. In understanding that this is a disorder, it needs to be treated as such. Many men and women who act as partners to people who have this disorder will waste their time trying to help them. They will change if they really do want to change. gives 9 official criteria markers to recognize someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In the article, it mentions licensed therapist Rebecca Weiler, LMHC classifying this disorder as “selfishness at the (usually extreme) expense of others, plus the inability to consider others’ feelings at all.” If you recognize that you are in a relationship with a person that has this disorder and it is affecting you negatively, move on if he or she declines treatment or is not even recognizing that his or her behavior should change.
In order to have a healthy relationship, you need your partner to return the energy and effort that you are putting out. A relationship involves two people. If you love a narcissist, you need to recognize that person is programmed to behave a certain way to fulfill his or her own needs before anyone else’s. This is extremely toxic to the other partner in the relationship.
Love is strong and powerful. Science has backed this up with countless studies. If you are in love with a narcissist, you need to recognize that the narcissist will not understand or acknowledge you. The bottom line is that he or she is incapable. You should look for emotional support and personal fulfillment elsewhere. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a real disorder recognized by medical sources online.
Learn yourself and what started the relationship with the narcissist. Also get clear on your needs in your life. How can you change your personal situation? What negativity are you experiencing that you can change? What support do you need to reach your goals? Is it time to get professional help? Life is a journey and we will all experience ups and downs. We should have people in our lives that allows us to enjoy it more and are people that we can rely.