“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

Sara Knick
3 min readSep 15, 2020


I’m a firm believer in developing self direction and goals for yourself. No one is going to do it for you, but you. If you expect something to happen without action, you could be waiting a long time. If you don’t know what you want, you will never get it. Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” He was right.

People may want things that they don’t have, but they may not be willing to do what it takes to actually go out and attain what it is that they want. Feeling like you are not in control of your life or the situations that surround you can make you feel lost, scared and fearful.

When people are in a scared or fearful state, they tend to prevent good new energy from coming into their lives. People tend to be more closed off and unable to change when they are afraid. Regarding matters of love, people may be closed off to meeting new people or opening their heart and being genuine for fear that a past situation may happen again. This will leave someone stuck and unable to move forward in love.

We will naturally be stuck if we are unable to change ourselves or be open to new opportunities whether it is meeting someone new or being open to personal development. Clinging to the same situations and being comfortable in our current mindset will only get us so far.

In love, even though it may be intangible, we can set healthy goals for ourselves in it. If we are in the dating world, we can set up a date and meet someone new. The important thing here is to keep our minds open and be unattached from the end result. You are not obligated to feel any specific way. In our relationship, we can do something to ease a burden on our partner, which will make him or her feel cared for by us. There are actual tangible actions that we can take to create the feelings that we want. If we are dating, we can take actions to open the doors of self discovery as well as get to know others to see if they match well with our energy. In a relationship, we can take actions to deepen a bond that we currently have.

Sometimes the person that we are with will not be as grateful as we want or appreciate us the way that we would like. Maybe he or she is not in a good state of mind. Maybe he or she is stressed to the max with responsibilities. Maybe he or she doesn’t communicate well to you and there is confusion created. Sometimes love issues are created because the other person is not open to receiving love.

Knowing your wants and needs will help to guide you to the kind of relationship that you want to create. If you are still in the dating world, it is important to acknowledge how you feel when you are with someone so that you can be yourself to the fullest extent and not sacrifice parts of yourself just to satisfy someone else. Take small actions to get to know your dating partner, but then pull back and assess how that person is making you feel. In a relationship, if you don’t know where you are going, it is important to use communication to describe what you want your relationship to look like and talk about what goals you would like to achieve with your partner.

We determine our own fate. We can know that something doesn’t feel right or know that we are in a place that we do not want to be and then make conscious actions to change even though the actions may be small and it feels like we are miles away from where we want to be. Our desire to keep cultivating and changing ourselves will be kept if we acknowledge our life lessons, accomplishments and achievements. Sometimes accomplishments and achievements are not in actual tangible awards that you can hold, but in the lessons that we have learned.



Sara Knick
Sara Knick

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