The Ego vs. Love
The ego comes from the latin word for “I.” On the Mind Journal website, there is an article called, “The Difference Between Ego Love & True Love in Relationships” by Sylvia Salow. In this article, it states that many people confuse ego love with true love because attachment to someone can be easily misunderstood as love.
People seek true love and understand it to the best of their knowledge through experience, but if you are loving out of a need to fill a void, you are acting out of fear. Actions that have fear underlying them can feel limiting and impulsive. If you are fearful, you are not fully whole and do not have the clarity of your authentic self. You may be confused and feel isolated in love and in turn, you do not manifest the type of true love that you would like to have.
If you are not fully whole and do not have the clarity of your authentic self, you may gravitate towards being with someone just to “fill a void” within yourself to be whole. This lends itself to issues later on in a relationship and can manifest itself as neediness or a lack of confidence with oneself if the other person is not around.
Feeling whole within yourself can take some work. If you are around negativity or an environment that is affecting you, it is time to make some decisions regarding your boundaries and protecting yourself emotionally. Enjoy activities that make you feel empowered as well.
Understand that life is all about experience and instilling wisdom in our minds so that we are able to get the kind of results that we ultimately want. If we are wanting true love, we are going to have to feel truly whole in ourselves. This could mean taking ownership of our personality, what activities that we like, knowing where we’ve been in our past and who we want to be in the future. Knowing and feeling our wholeness will help us to identify those individuals who also feel whole. We will be able to partake in a vibrant and exciting relationship being a part of two individuals in union together.
Circumstances may change and one person may feel at a lower or inferior level in a relationship. For example, there could be financial changes in regards to who makes money for the household and it could make the relationship feel off balance because adjusting is needed to understand how both parties can contribute and feel happy in the relationship. If a husband had lost his job and the wife is working, there could be feelings of inferiority and a lack of masculinity with the husband.
It is up to both individuals in the relationship to make agreements that benefit the couple as a whole. Situations may change within the relationship. We should be able to assess what changes can be made to better the relationship and keep the health and happiness of the relationship alive and well.
Serving only the self will keep an individual isolated and disconnected from the other partner. In the article that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, it is also mentioned how you can tell when you love someone with your soul. Check out the signs below! Preserve balance within the relationship at the highest possible level and you will reap the benefits of understanding the depths of true love.