The Importance Of Patience In Relationships

Sara Knick
3 min readAug 14, 2020


I’ve struggled with being able to carry myself through life with patience. I would want to have an immediate change or be carried magically out of a situation that wasn’t good for me anymore. We all want to win at life and remaining patient can be a challenge.

People want to have successful relationships. They want to be liked, desired and admired for who they are. When situations don’t turn out the way that we wanted or people disappoint us, we may get stuck in our head about what’s wrong with us or search through the many “why”s to avoid being stuck with the same situation again or the same type of people again. We don’t want to feel like we’ve lost or feel that feeling of depression or anxiety.

I know the feeling all too well. You get blindsided by someone that you trusted thinking that everything was fine. For me, I was dumped after spending half a year dating someone and investing my time and energy to be there for him. I found myself “losing” again. I had to start over with even worse emotional baggage having to recover from trust and abandonment issues.

Everyone does their best to guide themselves with the knowledge and experience that they have to reach a desirable outcome. Relationships can be more difficult to navigate. There may be personal issues, denial or manipulation at play. Being honest with yourself and your partner is the best way to attract honesty.

If you want a true genuine relationship, you will need to understand your motives and what you truly want to achieve in your relationship and stand by that. If someone chooses to be dishonest with you, you will be more likely to feel that energy of dishonesty and stay away from it. Human beings are not perfect. Allowing trial and error when you are dating is a necessary process to finding and keeping a partner that works well with who you are. It should also be fun. You have so many options and possibilities.

“Waiting” for the right one to come along can be excruciatingly painful when you feel burdened with life’s responsibilities and you just want to be supported and know for sure that there is someone that exists to offer his or her full support in a partnership. When we rush into a relationship or don’t consider what is best for us, we can end up in worse emotional chaos.

Being in the right energy to even begin a relationship is the first step to creating a healthy relationship. When you have the right thoughts and beliefs coming into it, you will more likely be successful because you will be able to pick out what’s not going to work and the negative or unhealthy thoughts facing you.

Having to overcome large betrayals of trust in relationships can be difficult to overcome and heal from, but it does not have to determine our love future. Our negative feelings and experiences in love do not have to determine anything else moving forward in our love lives. It can all stay in the past. When we recognize patterns that we have in choosing mates or understand more about how we are going about the dating process, we can adjust and go about things differently. As long as you have pure and honest motives, you will find love. It is just a matter of navigation, but you will get there.



Sara Knick
Sara Knick

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