What Does It Take To Be Sexy?

Sara Knick
3 min readSep 3, 2020


I’ve learned that there are a lot of different styles out there. There are times when I wondered, “How do you get sexy?” and “What does it take to be sexy?” It was like an unspoken secret that would never get revealed.

People want to be desired, but sometimes they don’t know how to act or what to say to be desirable. It’s a lonely dark place when you are excluded or ignored or just can’t seem to figure out the secrets to master the art of desirability.

One of the unsexiest things you can do is to be uncertain and to have a lack of confidence. It means you haven’t mastered yourself and there is more work to do. Being uncertain around people means that you haven’t committed yourself to the individual that you know that you are. Having a lack of confidence around people shows that you are not happy or proud in who you have committed yourself to be. This can repel people away from you that do have certainty and confidence in who they are.

Sexiness can take different forms. There are countless ways to dress and show your sexiness that are creative. Men and women may be drawn to certain quirks that are not part of the mainstream ideas of sexiness. Certain people may love certain areas on someone’s body.

If you are feeling sexy, but not attracting the right connection with someone yet, don’t depend on someone’s looks to form a connection right away. Your lust and intense desire as well as emotions may be clouding your reason and judgment. If you are not feeling sexy, look at the qualities you possess, the achievements you’ve made and appreciate first what makes you different from everyone else. Then, find what it is that you need to master to fulfill yourself on a personal level. Sexiness is first achieved internally.

You may feel extremely uncertain about your future or where you are headed. Maybe you’ve gotten out of a long term relationship and everything feels uncomfortable and scary with no support. Maybe you’ve been looked down on so many times at work. Maybe people don’t have faith in you like they should. You may be stuck in situations that you are trying to get out of.

Sexiness is achieved through our knowledge and certainty of ourselves as well as that exploration. It doesn’t all boil down to looks. You may have the greatest looks in the world, but have a boring or horrible personality. It can be the things that you do or the person that you are that makes someone feel attracted to you. Sexiness is connection and that feeling of “WOW!” you get from somebody.

Sometimes people can make us think we’re not sexy or create uncertainty within ourselves. Sometimes situations that we are faced with can be daunting and make us feel less confident to master them. Coming back to what makes us feel sexy, confident and certain will surely allow us to project that to those around us drawing the right ones to us. It may take some time and exploring, but sometimes we are closer than we think.



Sara Knick
Sara Knick

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