Your Car Is On Fire. Do You Have Any Regrets About The Way You Lived Your Life?
Yesterday, I drove home and I started seeing smoke coming from somewhere on the side of the road as I was about to enter the freeway. There were emergency vehicles and police cars barricading a van that had fire coming up from underneath it. I had never seen a car on fire before. What if I was trapped inside and there was no way out?
As humans, we want to live great lives and imagine that our lives will live on forever. If you had no more time left to live and you were the one stuck in the burning car, would you have any regrets about the way you lived your life? Would you treat your loved ones or significant other differently? Sometimes we think we have all of the time in the world, but then don’t make use of the time that we do have. If you look inward, what emotions do you have about the way that you chose to live your life? Had you let your emotions stop you from moving forward with your dreams and goals? Sometimes depression and anxiety has a way of grabbing a hold of us and doesn’t let us move forward the way we would have wanted.
Maybe we have regrets and are stuck in a cycle of sifting through all of the mistakes in our head without moving forward and making real change in our lives. It could hold us back from entering a better relationship. It could also hold us back from improving ourselves because we believe that our mistakes define us.
Sometimes the judgements of other people in who we are can stop our potential and what we can achieve. We may always be pictured in someone’s mind as being a particular way and we aren’t being encouraged or motivated to be better. For example, if you are being told constantly by someone that you can’t get things right then it instills a sense of failure in you. If you aren’t living your best life then it is time to reassess who your friends are and if your partner in your relationship is worth being with.
We may want to have that feeling of comfort or familiarity by doing what’s predictable or having the same people around. It may feel “like home.” This is the problem with growth and achievement. To achieve a goal, you have to grow and growing can be painful because you have to do things that you probably hadn’t done before.
If someone asked me “Do You Have Any Regrets About The Way You Lived Your Life?” I would answer it with a “No.” I’ve faced my fears and done all that I could to improve the state of my life. I never turned to drugs, alcohol or other addictions to cope with difficulties in life. I always reflected on the changes that needed to be made even if they were hard. I had always looked inward to find answers and direct myself in where I wanted to go.
Things can happen when we least expect it. Being put in a dire situation can force us to reassess our lives in a dramatic way. We may become more grateful for what we have. We may start living our lives in a different way. Sometimes an intense experience can have a profound impact on us that compels us to change.